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Showing posts from November, 2017

Do your bit to save the planet with laptop recycling!

In this technologically advanced world, where technology is progressing at lightning speed, there are many reasons to upgrade your old and outdated laptop model for the newest and fastest one. In the span of just 2 years, the best laptop model in the market can go to the bottom of the technological pile. As we upgrade and move to the new technology, we are left with old and outdated laptops. Besides keeping this laptop and adding to the pile of waste, you can recycle your old laptops. Laptop recycling comes with some great benefit. Some of them are listed below. Free up space : There’s no point in hoarding good that are no longer of use. On an average, around a quarter of the things we own are not actually used. They either reside in the drawer or a dark cupboard patiently waiting for the day we finally decide to get them out from there. Practically, all of us can be benefitted from disposing some of the clutter and laptop recycling can free up some valuable space. S